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Day 5 - Raise a Reader this Summer!

Day 5  – Get Summer Ready!

I’m extremely proud of everyone who has made it to the end of this challenge and I can’t wait to announce the winner in our Facebook Group!

It’s time to get your plan in order to raise raving readers this summer!

You’ve learned WHY you should read to your children, how to fit MORE reading in your busy day, how to motivate your child to read, and how to pick the BEST books!

This is going to be a really simple assignment today!

What was your favorite tip out of all the days? Go and share on the Facebook page and then watch the Day 5 Live Chat where I share the MOST important factor when it comes to Raising Raving Readers!

You’ll also get info about our Book club that includes, free printables, community, prizes and MORE! This is a ONCE a year opportunity, and if you sign up NOW you’ll get lifetime access and the lowest price!

It’s SO exciting! If you have any questions, just email me at or reach out on the Facebook group or page!!

Happy Reading!


Watch the Final Workshop

Review All Challenges!